How To Install
Install NinjaTrader First
Last updated
Install NinjaTrader First
Last updated
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.1 must be installed on your PC - please download and install it from here.
Login to your NinjaTrader account
You can import your existing NinjaTrader License Key by going to Settings, Plans, and then selecting Import a License. If you are upgrading NinjaTrader, you can skip this step.
Click the "Download" button on the left menu, then click the blue download button and install NinjaTrader.
Our server is contacted by NinjaTrader upon log in for user validation. If you have a firewall, spyware or other such software running on your PC, you may receive a Windows Security Alert popup as shown below. Click "Allow access" to ensure that you grant NinjaTrader permission to access the internet or you may receive a log in error.
Once installation is complete, review the Connection Guide to establish the appropriate connection to your broker and/or market data feed service provider.
NinjaTrader must be installed BEFORE installing AlgoBox™
Get the latest full version of AlgoBox™:
New users get a 2-Week Free Trial.
Existing AlgoBox™ members can download via our Discord server to avoid filling out the trial form.
Run The AlgoBox™ Installer
Locate the downloaded AlgoBox™ installer file on your PC and unzip the file using software such as 7zip or WinZip.
Run the ALGOBOX PRO x.x.x.x Plus ENIGMA BOTPACK.exe file and this window will appear:
Click Next to continue to the following prompt:
This screen will allow you to select various options in regards to AlgoBox™ software features such as Enigma and the automated bot pack.
** NOTE: AlgoBox™ Trial members have all functionalities fully unlocked, therefore should click on the 3rd option - "AlgoBox PRO AUTOBOT PACK EDITION (optional)" which will install all features.
For example, if you have a Premium/Gold member license with Enigma and Enigma Bot, you would select only the 3rd option - "AlgoBox PRO AUTOBOT PACK EDITION (optional)" which will install all features.
Select the installation level that you have access to and click NEXT.
** NOTE: Please make sure to read the Terms of Service before proceeding further! **
Once installed you should see the following screen:
If you already have AlgoBox™ installed & are about to install a new release, make sure you uninstall the current version prior to installing a new release.
You can customize your NinjaTrader Workspaces, chart templates and indicators as you wish, however, we recommend always starting with a default AlgoBox™ Workspaces, templates and indicator settings. Save your Workspaces and templates under a different file name so that you always maintain default files for future use without having to re-install AlgoBox™. Click here to learn more about Workspaces.
To get started with Workspace layouts, please click here to continue. Note: Some customized workspaces, templates and settings may not be recommended or supported. We do not support the use of 3rd party applications/indicators.
AlgoBox™ and all FlowMaster™ tools only require Level 1 data to operate - Level 2 data is not required.
Try AlgoBox™ for free - No credit card required, no obligation, no gimmicks.