
Managing AlgoBox™ Workspaces In NinjaTrader

The default AlgoBox™ workspace is designed for optimal efficiency of tools and chart layouts that can enhance your trading experience. Additionally, there are several other workspaces to choose from, each catering to different trading styles and strategies. You can experiment with these options to help you find the setup that best suits your trading styles.

AlgoBox™ provides pre-configured and thoughtfully designed workspaces to simplify and optimize your trading experience.

It is crucial to have only 1 workspace open at a time to prevent NinjaTrader from lagging or crashing. Running multiple workspaces simultaneously can lead to frequent crashes or delays in chart loading.

The correct approach: Keeping only one workspace open at a time.

It can be ideal to disconnect from all data sources before changing instruments, workspaces and even indicator settings. Disconnecting from data minimizes CPU load during changes, which can often prevent NinjaTrader lock-ups.

The incorrect approach: Keeping multiple workspaces open simultaneously.

The Correct Method To Save A Workspace

If any modifications are made to the standard AlgoBox™ workspace, it's essential to avoid saving over the original. Instead, save it as a new, separate workspace.

If you have made any modifications to the standard default AlgoBox™ chart, click on "Save As" to create a new workspace.

If you use a custom workspace with customized indicators, it is recommended to create a new custom workspace and chart templates with each new version release/update, using the new default AlgoBox™ workspaces. Remember to save your custom workspace and chart templates using a different name and create a backup copy.

Rename the new workspace to your preferred name, in this example, it is labeled "My Own AlgoBox Workspace," and then click "Save".
If any modifications are made, ensure that you do not overwrite the default standard AlgoBox™ workspace.

TIP: It's good practice to get in the habit of saving a backup copy of your custom workspaces immediately after each change, as workspaces can become corrupted and non-functional. This will save you time, effort and hassle in the future.

MaxTo Window Management

Vinny E. Mini prefers using MaxTo for efficient NinjaTrader chart window management. MaxTo lets you customize chart window dimensions, positions, and sizes, making it easy to snap chart windows into predefined regions when organizing your NinjaTrader workspace.

Note: AlgoBox™ is an independent entity and is not affiliated with MaxTo in any way. Any references to MaxTo are solely for informational purposes and do not imply affiliation, endorsement or partnership.

Examples Of AlgoBox™ Workspaces

WATCH: How to Access the Default AlgoBox™ Workspaces Included with the AlgoBox™ Pro System.

Tutorial Video

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Last updated