Speedy Chart

Faster Chart Refresh Rate

AlgoBox™ Speedy Chart accelerates chart refresh rates, increasing the speed of AlgoBars being loaded on your chart. This updates the chart at an accelerated rate, getting you closer to real-time market data, providing a smoother visual updates of your chart.

Speedy Chart VS Regular Chart

Below is a comparison of the Speedy Chart versus a regular Chart. The Speedy Chart loads AlgoBars at a faster rate than the Regular Chart, as long as your PC's CPU can handle the rate of data calculation.

Note: Using the Speedy Chart Tool may put a heavy load or strain on your CPU. It is recommended to apply this tool to only one chart per instrument to avoid potential performance issues.

Speedy Chart Settings

Below is an overview of the Speedy Chart Settings available in the indicator menu.

1. Parameters

Speedometer Threshold - This is the lowest value at which refresh rate adjustments take effect. By default, this is configured to 150 milliseconds.

Speedy Chart Refresh Rate - Adjust and set your chart's refresh rate. By default, this is configured to 100 milliseconds.

Speedy Chart Delay Rate - Adjust and set your chart's delay rate. By default, this is configured to 500 milliseconds.

2. Data Series

Displays the current chart instrument, contract date and configurations applied.

Input Series - This setting determines which chart the indicator is displayed on, linking the indicator to the selected chart data.

3. Setup

Allows you to add a label, set the maximum bars to look back, and configure calculations based On Price Change, On Bar Close, or On Each Tick.

On Price Change - updates the indicator only when there is a change in the instrument's price.

On Bar Close - updates whenever a new bar closes, recalculating based on the finalized bar data to reflect the latest market conditions and changes in trends. Be mindful of whether you are using AlgoBars or range bars. This is the default setting for this indicator.

On Each Tick - updates with every price change or tick in the market, providing real-time adjustments and reflecting the most current data. This setting increases CPU processing load.

4. Visual

Allows you to customize button colors, adjust the button placement, and modify the font type and size to suit your preferences. The Visual Settings shown are default settings which usually do not need to be changed unless specified in release notes or instructional video, live stream or on Discord etc. Auto scale is recommended to be unchecked.

Auto Scale - Automatically adjusts the indicator’s scale to fit within the chart’s price axis, ensuring it’s properly visible without manual adjustments.

Displacement - Shifts the indicator's plot forward or backward on the time axis. This setting is useful for aligning the indicator with price bars or other chart elements, especially in cases where you want to visualize future or past data relative to the current price.

Display in Data Box - Determines whether the values are shown in the Data Box, which is an on-screen display that provides detailed information about the current values when you hover over or click on the chart.

Panel - Specifies which panel or sub-panel the indicator is displayed in on the chart. Indicators can be placed in separate panels above or below the main price chart, allowing for organized and uncluttered visualization of multiple indicators.

Price Markers - Controls the display of markers or symbols on the price axis associated with the indicator's values. This setting helps highlight specific price levels or events directly on the price chart for better visibility and analysis.

Scale Justification - Determines where the indicator is positioned on the price scale, such as to the right or left side of the chart.

Visible - Toggles the overall visibility of the indicator, allowing you to hide or show it on the chart as needed.

Note: All settings displayed in the settings image are the current default configurations provided with the AlgoBox™ Pro software, and may change at any time in future software updates without notice.

Only available on AlgoBox™ for NinjaTrader 8. Try AlgoBox™ for free today.


Last updated