Ultimate OBOS Divergence

Higher Time Frame Indicator

The Ultimate OBOS Divergence tool and oscillator from AlgoBox™ is intended to be used on larger "size" charts like the Tide, Wave or MACV.

The Ultimate OBOS highlights possible divergence with a purple Triangle pointing towards the potential change in direction.

The Ultimate OBOS Divergence is one of the multiple tools to be used in the Order of Operations process in your trading analysis.

Users have the option to hide the oscillator window so that only the Divergence Triangles, providing more space on the chart:

Custom Settings

Users also have customizable options for:

-Custom Sound Alert or auto AlgoVoice (.wav file format only) -AlgoVoice speed (Voice Rate) -Show Divergences (Triangles) ON/OFF -Divergence Triangle Color -Triangle Size

Video Tutorials

Only available on AlgoBox™ for NinjaTrader 8. Try AlgoBox™ for free today.


Last updated