
Vinny E. Mini AlgoBox™ Trade Room

Our Free Discord Trade Room is the world's largest futures Discord server/trade room and offers extensive FAQs, exceptional customer support, practical tips and tricks, in-depth trading knowledge, advanced strategies, the latest news, and much more. With many members sharing their trading insights, it is an invaluable resource for all traders and a critical component to your learning journey with the AlgoBox™ software.

With more than 150 channels inside the Vinny E. Mini AlgoBox™ Trade Room Discord server, the following are some of the most popular Discord channels, followed by some helpful tips as well:

Start Here

Start your learning journey on the right foot with the Start Here channel:

Search Function

The search function is the key to quickly finding the information you need.


Our announcements channel provides you with the latest offers and updates about AlgoBox™.

Brokerage Info

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ask Questions




3rd-Party-Verified Track Record


Premium Members Only

Tech Support Tickets

The brilliant minds of our Tech Support Team will be able to assist with any AlgoBox™ related technical issues - simply click on "open a ticket" channel and follow the instructions to receive prompt service.

Your Tech Support Ticket and details contained are NOT public. Tickets will be serviced in priority sequence of when the ticket was opened.

Vinny's Tips & Tricks

Trading Wisdom

Hide Discord Sidebar Extension

On any search engine, search for "Hide Discord Sidebar extension" and you will see options to add the extension to different browsers such as Chrome, Brave, Opera, etc.

Note: AlgoBox™ is an independent entity and is not affiliated with the creators of the Hide Discord Sidebar extensions in any way. Any references to Hide Discord Sidebar extensions are solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement or partnership. Use of this extension is at your own risk. Troubleshooting the extension is not supported by our Tech Support Team as it is a 3rd Party Application.

Try AlgoBox™ for free - No credit card required, no obligation, no gimmicks.


Last updated